Source code for src.algorithms.priority
# when imported as module.
from src.utils.tmp import processes
import src.utils.table as table
import src.utils.graph as graph
[docs]def run(processes):
Priority Scheduling
print('running priority...')
gantt = []
# initialize
total_waiting_time = 0
total_turnaround_time = 0
total_response_time = 0
total_return_time = 0
# sort by arrival_time
proc = sorted(processes, key=lambda proc: proc.priority)
proc = sorted(proc, key=lambda proc: proc.arrival_time)
# setting initial values
proc[0].return_time = proc[0].burst_time
proc[0].turnaround_time = proc[0].return_time - proc[0].arrival_time
proc[0].response_time = 0
proc[0].waiting_time = 0
gantt.append((proc[0].p_id, (total_return_time, proc[0].burst_time)))
# update total
total_response_time += proc[0].response_time
total_waiting_time += proc[0].waiting_time
total_turnaround_time += proc[0].turnaround_time
total_return_time += proc[0].burst_time
# simulating the process
for i in range(1, len(proc)):
tem = proc[i-1].return_time
low = proc[i].priority
val = 0
for j in range(i, len(proc)):
if tem >= proc[j].arrival_time and low >= proc[j].priority:
low = proc[j].priority
val = j
proc[val].response_time = tem
proc[val].return_time = tem + proc[val].burst_time
proc[val].turnaround_time = proc[val].return_time - \
proc[val].waiting_time = proc[val].turnaround_time - proc[val].burst_time
(proc[val].p_id, (total_return_time, proc[val].burst_time)))
proc[i], proc[val] = proc[val], proc[i]
# update total
total_response_time += proc[i].response_time
total_waiting_time += proc[i].waiting_time
total_turnaround_time += proc[i].turnaround_time
total_return_time += proc[i].burst_time
proc = sorted(proc, key=lambda proc: proc.arrival_time)
return {
'name': 'PR-NP',
'avg_waiting_time': total_waiting_time/len(proc),
'avg_response_time': total_response_time/len(proc),
'avg_turnaround_time': total_turnaround_time/len(proc),
'processes': proc,
'gantt': gantt
# If this file is executed directly -> run temporary test-cases
def main():
result = run(processes)
print("Avg Waiting Time: {}".format(result['avg_waiting_time']))
print("Avg Turnaround Time: {}".format(result['avg_turnaround_time']))
print("Avg Response Time: {}".format(result['avg_response_time']))
if __name__ == '__main__':