Source code for src.algorithms.priority_preemptive

# when imported as module.
from src.utils.tmp import processes
import src.utils.table as table
import src.utils.graph as graph

[docs]def run(processes): """ Priority Preemptive _ """ print('running priority preemptive...') gantt = [] # (,()) # initialize total_waiting_time = 0 total_turnaround_time = 0 total_response_time = 0 total_return_time = 0 n = len(processes) # sort by arrival_time proc = sorted(processes, key=lambda proc: proc.arrival_time) response = [] prev, st, ct = 0, 0, 0 for i in range(n): response.append(False) def findWaitingTime(processes, n): rt = [0] * n # Copy the burst time into rt[] for i in range(n): rt[i] = processes[i].burst_time complete = 0 t = 0 short = 0 ct = 1 # to count the time the process ran continously st = 0 # start time of that process # Process until all processes gets # completed while (complete != n): minp = 999999999 # Find process with highest priority # time among the processes that # arrives till the current time` prev = short for j in range(n): if ((processes[j].arrival_time <= t) and (processes[j].priority < minp) and rt[j] > 0): minp = processes[j].priority short = j # if a process is preempted if prev != short: gantt.append((processes[prev].p_id, (st, ct))) ct = 1 st = t else: ct += 1 # to calculate responce time || process ran for first time if(response[short] == False): response[short] = True processes[short].response_time = t - \ processes[short].arrival_time # Reduce remaining time by one rt[short] -= 1 # If a process gets completely # executed if (rt[short] <= 0): # Increment complete complete += 1 if prev == short: gantt.append((processes[prev].p_id, (st, ct))) # Find finish time of current # process fint = t + 1 # Calculate waiting time processes[short].waiting_time = ( fint - processes[short].arrival_time - processes[short].burst_time) # Increment time t += 1 def findTurnAroundTime(processes, n): processes[0].waiting_time = 0 for i in range(n): processes[i].turnaround_time = processes[i].burst_time + \ processes[i].waiting_time # setting initial values findWaitingTime(proc, n) gantt.append((processes[prev].p_id, (st, ct))) findTurnAroundTime(proc, n) for i in range(0, n): proc[i].return_time = proc[i].arrival_time + proc[i].turnaround_time # calculate for next processes for i in range(1, len(proc)): # update total total_response_time += proc[i].response_time total_waiting_time += proc[i].waiting_time total_turnaround_time += proc[i].turnaround_time total_return_time += proc[i].burst_time return { 'name': 'PR-P', 'avg_waiting_time': total_waiting_time/len(proc), 'avg_response_time': total_response_time/len(proc), 'avg_turnaround_time': total_turnaround_time/len(proc), 'processes': proc, 'gantt': gantt }
# If this file is executed directly -> run temporary test-cases def main(): result = run(processes) print("Avg Waiting Time: {}".format(result['avg_waiting_time'])) print("Avg Turnaround Time: {}".format(result['avg_turnaround_time'])) print("Avg Response Time: {}".format(result['avg_response_time'])) table.plot(result['processes']) graph.plot_gantt(result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()