Source code for

import src.algorithms.fcfs as fcfs
import src.algorithms.sjf as sjf
import src.algorithms.priority as priority
import src.algorithms.priority_preemptive as priority_preemptive
import src.algorithms.srtf as srtf
import src.algorithms.round_robin as rr
from src.utils.tmp import processes  # tmp processes
import src.utils.graph as graph
import src.utils.table as table

# Actual App logic goes in this main function. Like all the options to choose from algorithms input outputs etc.

[docs]def main(): """ **Demo** - This function runs sample (random) testcase with 7 process to demonstrate the app - Plots the gantt chart for each algorithm - Plots the comparision graph for different algorithms **to Run Demo:** - unzip the project. - In the project base directory - configure Python virtual Environment. - create virtual env : ``python3 -m venv env`` - switch to environment. - Linux : ``source env/bin/activate`` - Win : run the `activate` script in cmd at ``env/sources/activate`` and then change back to the root directory. - install dependencies - ``pip install -e .`` - in the project root directory run ``python`` """ rs_fcfs = rs_sjf = rs_pr = rs_prp = rs_srtf = rs_rr = print('\n FCFS') table.plot(rs_fcfs['processes']) graph.plot_gantt(rs_fcfs) print('\n SJF') table.plot(rs_sjf['processes']) graph.plot_gantt(rs_sjf) print('\n PR') table.plot(rs_pr['processes']) graph.plot_gantt(rs_pr) print('\n PRP') table.plot(rs_prp['processes']) graph.plot_gantt(rs_prp) print('\n SRTF') table.plot(rs_srtf['processes']) graph.plot_gantt(rs_srtf) print('\n RR') table.plot(rs_rr['processes']) graph.plot_gantt(rs_rr) graph.plot_comparision( [rs_fcfs, rs_sjf, rs_srtf, rs_pr, rs_prp, rs_rr])
if __name__ == '__main__': main()